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U.S. Department of the Interior Natural Resources Revenue Data wordmark with oil platform rig pulling up a dollar sign


Land ownership

Federal land represents 13.2% of all land in Florida.

There was no energy or mineral production on federal land in Florida in calendar year 2018.

1 commodity was withheld in 2018.

Production on federal land in Florida resulted in $1,032,413 in calendar year 2019 revenue.

Revenue from federal land resulted in $611,413 disbursed from the federal government to Florida in fiscal year 2019.

Florida also borders an offshore area with significant natural resource extraction, which may contribute to the state’s economy. For production and revenue data about offshore extraction near Florida, see the Gulf of Mexico.


The Office of Natural Resources Revenue collects detailed data about natural resource production on federal land in Florida.

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Companies pay a wide range of fees, rates, and taxes to extract natural resources in the United States. What companies pay to federal, state, and local governments often depends on who owns the natural resources.

Natural resource extraction can lead to federal revenue in two ways: non-tax revenue and tax revenue. Revenue data on this site primarily includes non-tax revenue from extractive industry activities on federal land.

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Revenue from production on federal land by resource

When companies extract natural resources on federal lands and waters , they pay royalties, rents, bonuses, and other fees, much like they would to any landowner . This non-tax revenue is collected and reported by the Office of Natural Resources Revenue (ONRR).

For details about the laws and policies that govern how rights are awarded to companies and what they pay to extract natural resources on federal land : coal, oil and gas, renewable resources, and hardrock minerals.

The federal government collects different kinds of fees at each phase of natural resource extraction . This chart shows how much federal revenue was collected in calendar year (CY)2019 for production or potential production of natural resources on federal land in Florida, broken down by phase of production.

Commodity1. Securing rights2. Before production3. During productionOther revenue
Other products
All commodities
All commodities
Commodity1. Securing rightsCompanies pay bonuses or other fees to secure rights to resources on federal land2. Before productionCompanies pay rent on federal land while exploring for resources3. During productionCompanies pay royalties after production beginsOther revenueMinimum or estimated royalties, settlements, and interest payments
OnshoreBonus: The amount offered by the highest bidder$1.50 annual rent per acre for 5 years
$2 annual rent per acre thereafter
12.5% of production value
Other products
Mining claim fees$40 location fee $20 processing fee $165 maintenance feeRoyalty rates are determined by leasing officers on an individual case basis (no minimums apply)
All commodities
All commodities
Other revenue streams
Hardrock mining on public domain landsFederal revenue from hardrock mining on public domain land occurs through the claim-staking process and is managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). It is not included here, because the dataset does not have state-level data. Learn more about hardrock mining on federal land.
Onshore solar and wind energyFederal revenue from onshore renewable energy generation on federal land is not included here, because that dataset, from BLM, does not have state-level data. Learn more about onshore renewables on federal land.
To see how much was collected nationwide for all revenue types, including BLM revenues, see federal revenue by company.

Most non-tax revenue collected by ONRR comes from counties with significant natural resources on federal land.

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All commodities

Companies paid 1,032,413 to produce natural resources on federal land in Florida in 2019.

Revenue collected by county

Revenue by county in 2019

Federal tax revenue

Individuals and corporations (specifically C-corporations) pay income taxes to the IRS. The federal corporate income tax rate tops out at 21%. Public policy provisions, such as tax expenditures, can decrease corporate income tax and other revenue payments in order to promote other policy goals.

Learn more about revenue from extraction on all lands and waters.

We don’t have detailed data about federal, state, or local revenue from natural resource extraction on land owned by Florida, corporations, or individuals. However, companies generally must pay state and local taxes.


After collecting revenue from natural resource extraction, the Office of Natural Resources Revenue distributes that money to different agencies, funds, and local governments for public use. This process is called “disbursement.”

Most federal revenue disbursements go into national funds. For detailed data about which expenditures and projects from those national funds are in Florida, see nationwide federal disbursements.

ONRR also disburses some revenue from natural resource extraction to state governments. In 2019, ONRR disbursed $611,413 to Florida.

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We don’t have detailed data about how states or local governments distribute revenue from natural resource extraction.